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Did You Know...Edition 34: Search Marketing


Did You Know...Edition 34: Search Marketing

Elle Humphries by Elle Humphries

Director of Marketing

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Full biography

Elle has been involved with the WSI Team and has been helping them simplify the internet since 2016 when she came on board as a marketing intern. Elle became a full-time digital strategist in May of 2017, in which she focuses her talents on Project Management and Digital Marketing for the WSI team.

Elle is now the Director of Marketing for WSI as she brings many attributes to the table, such as social media marketing, email marketing, display/search marketing, search engine optimization, content creation, customer relationship management, project management, and more!



Where is the first place a consumer will go when now-a-days if they have a question or need a recommendation? Google. Google is responsible for 96% of all smartphone search traffic, therefore the leader in the industry by a longshot. So if we know this information, how can we use it to benefit marketing efforts? Search Engine Marketing is a form of Internet/digital marketing that involves the promotion of websites by increasing their visibility in search engine results pages primarily through paid advertising. This is how marketers can capitalize on the number of active users that Google engages with, while promoting their business to the mass number of individuals.

If you think about all of the times in the past month that you have picked up your phone to answer a question, it would be a lot right?

Well research shows that search engines drive 93% of all website traffic. Therefore if you are looking up how to power wash a deck, your search engine is going to redirect you most likely to a company’s website. If it is not one website in particular, you will see a list of “helpful” hints that have been put out by massive amounts of companies in this industry. This helps the consumer also find a reliable company to hire, or buy products from. It is stated that 90% of searchers have not made up their mind about a brand before starting their search. This then gives marketers an advantage to promote their advertisements to hopefully get in the eyes of their intended consumer. The consumer is also more likely (50%) to click on a particular brand name if that brand name shows up more than once on the search results. This helps businesses from small start ups to established industry leaders. Consistently targeting consumers by using paid or organic advertisements helps the consumer to remember your brand name and promise. This can ideally lead to a sale, or a conversation with a sales person for further information. However if your company is local to your community, research shows that 18% of all local searchers lead to a sale in one day. Therefore depending on the industry and location you are in, there are different tools you can utilize within the search marketing sector. 

Now you know the importance of search marketing!



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