Resources and Other Helpful Digital Marketing Content To Guide You On Your Digital Journey!

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We're Kicking off 2020 With New Website

WSI News

We're Kicking off 2020 With New Website

Eric Cook by Eric Cook

Chief Digital Strategist

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Full biography

Eric considers himself a “recovering banker” of 15 years, who for the past eleven years has focused his efforts as a digital strategist, helping his clients (mostly community banks) better understand and leverage the power of the Internet as a strategic business tool. An award-winning web designer with WSI, the world’s largest digital agency network, Eric is a two-time contributing author to the best-selling book Digital Minds – 12 Things Every Business Needs to Know About Digital Marketing. Consistently rated in the top five digital marketing books on Amazon, the book is in its second edition and available in three languages.

A sought-after, nationally-recognized speaker in the financial services industry, Eric is a member of the National Speakers Association and loves sharing his knowledge to help educate and inspire others. He is the co-creator of a weekly webinar show called Free Webinar Wednesdays, founder of the Banker Education Series webinar series, and serves as a faculty member at several banking schools around the country where he teaches bankers about digital strategy, online marketing and social media. He is a WSI Certified LinkedIn Professional and holds undergraduate degrees in business administration and psychology. While working full-time as a community banker, Eric earned his MBA and completed the three-year Graduate School of Banking program in Madison, WI in 2003.

Professionally, Eric helps his clients in all areas of digital marketing, which includes mobile-responsive web development, search engine marketing and optimization, social media strategies, e-mail communication, and “big-picture” digital strategic planning. He’s the co-founder of, a service created to help businesses understand their risk when it comes to operating in today’s digital world. When he’s not helping his clients succeed online, he can typically be found on one of his many bicycles training for his next mountain bike/triathlon race or spending time with his wife and two (very spoiled) golden retrievers.



Staring off the new year, we're excited to announce the official launch of our new website. The new look is aligned to compliment our recent corporate site update over at and further help build on our global brand initiative. In addition to a fresh, new color scheme, the site remains "mobile responsive" and includes an updated Blog with even more information and resources about our digital marketing solutions.

While you spend some time here on our new website, I'd like to point out a few of the new sections you may want to pay attention to... Of course, we think the entire website is pretty awesome, but these areas below got some extra special attention during the revamp. Enjoy! 

Meet the Team

At the end of the day, we're only as the collective capabilities of our team... and we think we've got some of the best. Stop by and get to know Mark, Elle, Madison (and me too) to learn more. Plus, it's always fun to put a face with the voice, as we work with clients all over the United States (and sometimes even overseas). While we always love getting face-to-face, sometimes that's just not possible - but now you can get to know us a little better. 

While learning more about us, be sure to check out some of the other things that "make us tick." You can learn a bit more about our Culture, read about the vast number of industry Awards we've earned over the years, and read all about our cycling team, WSI Cycling (yup, we've got a cycling team).  

Enhanced Services (and Banking!)

Even when we were working on our site we were surprises at just how many services we are now offering! It shouldn't have surprised us, as we've always been proud of offering a full-suite of digital marketing solutions... but when it came down to listing all we were like... WOW

Spend some time browsing around and check out the areas of website, search, social, and mobile. Plus, new in 2020 is an enhanced section about banking and our particular expertise in that vertical. I've spent all of my professional career working either in, or with, banks... so it's in my blood (and even my father was a community banker for 33 years). 

Client Testimonials

While we think we're pretty good at what we do (and you'd expect that, right?), it's even better when our clients say it for us. We're excited to have a number of our customers "tooting our horn" for us and you can read some of the recent prase now on our website. We debated about adding this, since we didn't want to brag... but then again you might appreciate what our clients are saying about us - we know we do! 

»Read Client Testimonials

Comprehensive Resources

A big part of what we do is provide educational material to make our customers and those we get to speak with smarter and better prepared for the digital age. Whether they end up doing it themselves and are grateful for the learning lesson, or they come back and partner with us to help, we're here to help. To help us achieve that goal, we've reorganized the resource information on our site to make it easier to access.

Now right from the Resources menu you now have quick access to  some of our most requested material. Quickly get access to our library of eBooks, check out our Book, Digital Minds, hop over to browse some Videos, and get quick access to our library of Webinars. We're churning out new information all the time, so be sure to stop back often to see what's new!

Enhanced Blog

Last but not least... we've totally revamped our Blog. Even we admit, the blog from our old site was getting a bit "long in the tooth" and wasn't getting updated with fresh new content as much as we wanted. Good news, we fixed that with our new site and have a renewed dedication to posting helpful content and articles on a regular basis. We've also added category filtering to make finding what you're looking for easier too, so stick around and spend some time catching up. 

Check Us Out on Social

Yeah, I know I said "last but not least" above, but this isn't really about the website. But it IS about WSI and if you've not connected with us on social media lately, you're missing out. Our team (mostly our marketing and social media guru, Elle) have been busy killing it on social media. While in the past I was doing most of the posting on my personal accounts over at LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, we've now got official @PoweredByWSI accounts on all these networks with a steady stream of digital marketing content.

If you want to get plugged in to the latest and greatest social and digital content, check the social links in the footer of our site and be sure to follow us. We promise to follow you back and look forward to having you join us in the conversation. And, if you're into things like cycling, golden retrievers, and travel feel free to connect with me personally!

Stick Around...

Please take time to browse around and let us know what you think. I hope you like the new look and some of the additional information to help you even better understand the strategies and services we provide to help you stand out from your competition online.


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